CICS Region Suspend

The CICS Region Suspend report shows, by class, how a transaction region is affected by suspend and dispatch delay time during a Strobe measurement session. For each class, it shows which resources caused a transaction suspension.

For all suspend classes that cause an average suspend time for a transaction that is less than the RLIBASE, Strobe compresses their report data into a pseudo class called . COMPRES, which is represented as the last detail line of the report.

Strobe will not report any resource that causes an average suspension for a transaction that is less than the region level threshold value. A report is generated for each class reported, except for the .NONCICS and .COMPRES pseudo-classes.

Report details

Region Suspend Time (sec) tab

  • Transaction Baseline (sec) shows the baseline threshold (between 00.001 and 99.99 seconds) designated when Strobe created the Performance Profile. All suspend category classes and resources whose average suspend times do not meet this threshold are suppressed. (If no resources meet the threshold, this report will not be produced.)

  • Suspend Time - Percent shows the percent of time that the region was in a suspended state because of the resource, or that the transactions running in a region were in a suspended state because of the suspend category class.

  • Suspend Time - Avg sec/tx shows the average time that the transaction was in a suspended state because of the resource, or the average number of seconds that transactions running in the region were in a suspend state because of the suspend category class.

CICS Region Suspend tab

  • Suspend Category Class identifies the name of the class that was in a suspended state. Two pseudo-sections are used for values in this column, .NONCICS and .DELAY.

  • Resource Type shows the type of resource that is the source of the class type causing suspension.

  • Resource Name shows the name of the resource that is the source of the class type causing suspension.

  • Description shows the function descriptor of the resource.

Analysis tips

  • Click an underlined resource type or name to see performance improvement information from IBM's Problem Determination Guide.

  • For additional information about analyzing CICS Performance Profiles, see CICS Application Performance Analysis.