DFHLDLD is the CICS loader domain program that provides access to copies of application programs, nucleus programs, tables, and maps required by CICS. DFHLDLD manages many of the requests made to the loader domain, but does not actually do any of the work. Instead, DFHLDLD acts as a manager by calling specific modules that actually perform the required work. DFHLDLD manages the following loader domain services:

  • ACQUIRE_PROGRAM - obtains the entry point and load point addresses and the length of a usable copy of the named program. The program must previously have been identified to the system in a DEFINE request, either during this session or in a previous session, if the catalog is in use.

  • CATALOG_PROGRAMS - at the end of CICS initialization, requests the loader domain to catalog all the program definitions that need cataloging. The DFHSIJ1 module issues this call.

  • DEFINE_PROGRAM - introduces a new program to the CICS system or updates the details of an existing program.

  • DELETE_PROGRAM - removes a program from the CICS system. All subsequent AQUIRE requests for the named program fail with a reason of PROGRAM_NOT_DEFINED. Any instance of a program in use at the time the DELETE is received continue to exist until a RELEASE request reduces the count to zero, when the instance is removed from memory.

  • END_BROWSE - ends a browse session.

  • GET_NEXT_INSTANCE - browses the current program instances in ascending load point address sequence.

  • GET_NEXT_PROGRAM - performs an INQUIRE function for the next program in the alphabetical sequence of programs in the current browse session.

  • IDENTIFY_PROGRAM - locates the instance of a program that contains the address specified.

  • INQUIRE_OPTIONS - returns loader global options.

  • INQUIRE_PROGRAM - returns the details of a specific program.

  • REFRESH_PROGRAM - informs the loader domain that a new version of the program has been cataloged and this version of the named program should be used for all ACQUIRE requests.

  • SET_OPTIONS - sets loader global options.

  • START_BROWSE - starts a browse session.

Reference Sources

CICSS/ESA Diagnosis Reference Version 3 Release 2.1

CICS/ESA Diagnosis Reference Version 5.1.