DFHDSSR provides task suspend, resume, and wait services within the CICS dispatch domain. The services provided by DFHDSSR are:

·   ADD_SUSPEND returns a suspend token, which is used to identify a task to be suspended or resumed.

·   DELETE_SUSPEND discards a suspend token.

·   INQUIRE_SUSPEND_TOKEN obtains the default suspend token for a task.

·   SUSPEND suspends a running task

·   RESUME resumes a suspended task

·   WAIT_MVS causes a task to wait on an ECB, or list of ECBs, that must be posted via the MVS POST service.

·   WAIT_OLDW causes a task to wait on an ECB, or list of ECBs, that may be posted via the MVS POST service or by setting the POST bit. This is supported only in QR mode.

·   WAIT_OLDC function causes a task to wait on an ECB that must be posted by the post bit. This is supported only in QR mode.

Reference Sources

CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Diagnosis Reference