DFHTSP is the CICS temporary storage control program that services EXEC CICS READQ, WRITEQ, and DELETEQ requests. It maintains the tables, directories, and maps needed to keep track of temporary storage records and available space on VSAM auxiliary temporary storage, or in main temporary storage.


Change CICS to have main temporary storage, and put main temporary storage above the 16 megabyte line. This immediately recalls storage. If storage needs to be recalled from disk, the operating system paging routines are more efficient than CICS temporary storage routines. To do this, instead of writing temporary storage exit (XTSREQ), utilize the SIT parameter TS=(COLD,0).

This technique eliminates temporary storage I/O, improves response time, and saves DASD space because the temporary storage data set can be deleted.

If there is high wait for DFHTSP on the Resource Demand Distribution report, main storage rather than auxiliary temporary storage should be used. If I/O activity to DFHTEMP is high on the Data Set Characteristics report, a lot of auxiliary temporary storage is used. Change to main storage because main storage does not use as much CPU as auxiliary storage. Also if a lot of auxiliary storage is used, the Program CPU Use report will show high CPU usage to DFHTSP.

In the Strobe CICS Performance Supplement, the Configuration Parameters and System-Wide Statistics report will show information in the Temporary Storage Statistics report.

If the STAE option run-time COBOL option is specified, excessive temporary storage may be used. If STAE is specified, dump output will be generated. If NOSTAE is specified, there will be no dump. From a COBOL standpoint there is no preferred option, but with CICS you may want to note that the dump output is directed to the temporary storage queue.

High CPU in DFHTSP may be the result of spanned record processing. A spanned record is a record whose size exceeds the control interval size in DFHTEMP. Reads and writes of spanned records cause recursive calls to DFHTSP.

Reference Sources

CICS/MVS Version 2.1 Diagnosis Reference, LC33-0517.

CICS Tuning and Performance, Xephon Consultancy Report, August 1991.

IBMLINK: Q585210

IBMLINK: RTA000036049