SVC 004

SVC 004 is a Type 1 SVC issued by the GETMAIN macro. This macro obtains a LOCAL lock and calls program IGC004 in load module IGVVSM24. GETMAIN allocates virtual storage from a specified subpool.


Because SVC execution cannot be interrupted while a sample is taken, GETMAIN activity will not appear on a report. Instead, sampling occurs at the instruction that follows the SVC in the code. Therefore, if you see a large spike at an area of code where you would not expect to use excessive CPU, and the preceding instruction is GETMAIN, you can assume that the percentage associated with the code spike reflects the percentage used by GETMAIN activity.

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS MVS Diagnosis Reference

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Reference Vol. 2

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Reference Vol. 2.