Fault Analytics Viewer

The Fault Analytics Viewer (or Fault Viewer) is the home screen that appears upon initial access of Fault Analytics.  The screen varies depending on the user roles assigned to you by the system administrator at your site. User roles and access are controlled in the Viewer's Administration window. All users have access to all reports.

System Administrators: The system administrator must create user names and assign user roles before they can certain restricted functions. Refer to the Users Roles and Access for additional information.

Fault Viewer

The navigation pane, allows you to view reports and perform administrative tasks. Click on the links below for more information.


    • Reports: Allows you to see a set of predefined reports where you can drill down quickly from a system view to individual fault items. Abend-AID Fault Analytics collects event information on the mainframe. This information includes fault data such as program, error code, machine, and operating system.

    • Scheduled Reports: Displays reports that have been scheduled to run at a specified time period.


    • Default Report Parameters: Allows you to set the values to be used when you open a report. You can set the time period for the report, work day start time and whether to normalize event timestamps.


To create or update rules, establish database access, e-mail configuration and user management.

    • Abend-AID Web Interface Link: Create or delete an Abend-AID Web Browser Interface link.

    • Database Access: Provide the user ID and password for the Fault Analytics database.

    • E-Mail: Provide the necessary values to connect to the SMTP e-mail server.

    • Rules: Allows you to create new rules or view, edit, and test existing rules. Rules can filter events locally, at the point where they originated, as well as define what event handler actions occur (For example, you can create a rule to be notified only if a particular fault event occurs three times within a 30-minute period, or you can suppress all faults for a particular program or error condition.).

    • Users: Manage user access settings.

Abend-AID Web Interface Link - Abend-AID Fault Analytics can link to the Abend-AID Web Interface if you are licensed for Abend-AID or Abend-AID for CICS and one or both of these products are installed on your system. Clicking this link opens a list of Abend-AID Web Interface Domains from which you can choose.

Fault Analytics Reports Toolbar

BIRT Reports Toolbar


Following are descriptions of the menus available in the Fault Analytics Viewer.  

  • Actions Menu

  • Favorites Menu

  • Homepage Menu

  • Help Menu

  • View Menu

User Properties Link

  • User Properties link

See Also

Introduction to Management Reports


Fault Analytics Viewer