Global Monitoring Statistics

Global Monitoring Statistics in iStrobe allows you to view monitored batch job data gathered by Global Monitoring. This function is only available to users with the Strobe Administrator role.

  • The Job Name specifies the job name.

  • The Step Name specifies the step name.

  • The Procstep Name specifies the procstep name.

  • The Moving Average Elapsed Time is the average time a job was running calculated on a moving average using the last number of executions displayed in Observed Executions.

  • The Moving Average CPU Time is the average time spent executing on the CPU calculated on a moving average using the last number of executions displayed in Observed Executions.

  • The Observed Executions in Moving Average shows the number of times the job/step/proc was executed. The maximum number of Observed Executions that may be used to calculate the averages is a configurable Strobe parameter GM_ROLLING_AVG. This number will not exceed the GM_ROLLING_AVG.


Related Topics

Strobe Administration Overview

Global Monitoring