DFSXBAT0 initializes the IMS environment for batch and CICS regions. This module is linked to from the batch region controller DFSRRC00. When it has finished processing, it transfers control to the batch program controller DFSPCC30.

DFSXBAT0 performs a great amount of work to establish this environment, and it invokes many other modules to perform initialization services. It loads modules needed in this environment, and invokes module DFSIINL0 to process the preload list if it exists.

DFSXBAT0 loads some control blocks, allocates storage for others, and then initializes the control blocks. It also reads and processes the DFSVSAMP control cards.

DFSXBAT0 creates the internal IMS tasks (ITASKs). IMS uses this internal tasking architecture even in a batch/CICS environment.


Module DFSXBAT0 is invoked only once per batch execution, but it performs a great amount of work. If the batch job then runs for hours and issues thousands of IMS calls, the overhead of the batch initialization will be very small in comparison to the total job. If the job issues two or three IMS calls and ends, the percentage of CPU for DFSXBAT0 can be quite high, but it does not indicate a problem.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.