MQSeries Transaction Service Time

The MQSeries Transaction Service Time report contains wait execution and dispatch delay times for CICS transactions that make service calls to MQSeries.

Tip: Check the Strobe for CICS transaction profiling CICS API service time reports to obtain more detailed information about the performance of the CICS transactions you are measuring.

Note: If you designate a transaction name(s) in the 'Detail Transaction:' field of the Strobe DATA COLLECTORS panel, the 'Collect Region Data' field is set to Y by default. To collect just region level MQSeries data in a CICS environment, the 'Collect Region Data' field must be set to Y. Also you must have set region level reporting active on the Strobe TAILOR REPORTS panel. See Strobe for CICS, Chapter 2 for more information.

Report details

  • Queue Manager shows the name of a queue manager.

Click next a Queue Manager to view the queues it controlled and the percentages of time attributed to each.

Click next to the Queue to view additional details.

  • Transaction shows the name of the transaction that made a service call to the listed MQSeries queue.

  • Overall Transaction Count shows the number of times the transaction executed during the measurement session.

  • Overall Transaction Mean Service Time:  the values shown under this header indicate the average amount of time that the transaction was active in the address space.

  • Dispatch Delay shows the average time that the transaction was in a dispatchable state. The transaction was marked as dispatchable and will be dispatched when a TCB becomes available.

  • Suspend: The average time that the transaction was in a suspended state. A transaction is in a suspended state when MVS reports it has been suspended by one of these functions: SUSPEND, WAIT_MVS, WAIT_OLDC, or WAIT_OLDW.

  • Exec: The average time that the transaction was in executable state. A transaction is executing when both OS/390 and CICS report that a transaction is running.

  • Total: The total mean service time for the transaction.

  • Transaction Service Time (sec) Due To MQ Sseries shows the amount of service time that the application was active with an MQSeries queue.

  • Dispatch delay: CICS has marked the transaction as suspended, but it is actually waiting to be dispatched onto a MQSeries TCB. The average amount of time that the transaction is in this state.

  • Suspend: The CICS adapter has suspended the transaction with a resource name of either GETWAIT or TSKSWCH for MQSeries. OS/390 reports the same data. The average amount of time that the transaction is in this state.

  • Exec: Both OS/390 and CICS report that the transaction is executing and Strobe finds the transaction is executing on a MQSeries TCB. The average amount of time that the transaction is in this state.