Manage General Configuration

Access General Configuration by clicking Administration, and then clicking General Configuration.

Modify the configuration settings as needed and click Apply. The configuration settings are grouped as follows:

SMF Manager Settings

SMF Manager Settings enables SMF data collection. For this functionality to work, you must do the following:

  • Enable SMF data collection in iStrobe by placing a check mark in the Enable SMF data collection box under SMF Manager Settings. Click Apply to save and apply these settings. The SMF Data collection port number can be changed in CES. Refer to Port Settings under Administration in Compuware Enterprise Services.

  • Associated fields in the Strobe Parameter dataset must also be configured, and the SMF Port number must match that specified in iStrobe.

    • GM_MONITOR: Specifies whether to enable Global Monitoring. Must = YES for SMF processing.

    • GM_SMFDATA: Specifies that SMF Data is to be collected and sent to iStrobe. Must = YES for SMF processing.

    • GM_SMFHOST or GM_SMFIP: GM_SMFHOST indicates the iStrobe SMF server name. GM_SMFIP indicates the iStrobe SMF server IP address. Specify either GM_SMFHOST or GM_SMFIP. If both are specified, GM_SMFHOST is used.

    • GM_SMFPORT: Specifies the iStrobe SMF server port number. Must equal the SMF port number applied in iStrobe.

    • GM_TCPNAME: Specifies the TCP/IP job name of the IP Stack on the LPAR that Global Monitoring SMF is to use.

    • MNASPROCNAME: Specifies the Global Monitoring Address Space (MNAS) startup procedure name. This job comes up with Strobe and must be executing.


The Profiles Configuration option identifies when, how, and where to save and store profiles.

  • Reporter Processing Use TSO ID for JobName is used when the mainframe security does not allow for a common batch job name. The TSO ID will be substituted in the job card before submission of the batch profile report.

  • Validate profile in iStrobe check box – Checking this box will validate the format of the XML files for those profiles being downloaded to iStrobe. By default this box is unchecked.

  • Location field – Identifies the full path chosen for storing profiles in the file system. This could be a folder in the local file system. It could also be a network file system which is accessible by iStrobe. To change it, enter the full path name of the directory where you want to store profiles after validation.

    Clicking Synchronize ensures that all profiles in this location are synchronized with those profiles in the database. When synchronization is in progress, the Synchronize button changes to Unlock and remains that way until synchronization is complete.

  • Quarantine directory field – Profiles which encounter an error during processing will be sent to this directory to allow further review. Review the location and the path name in the Quarantine directory field and change it if necessary. The field is pre-populated with the \Quarantine directory in the installation directory. To change it, enter the full path name of the directory where you want invalid profiles moved after validation.

  • Allow profiles to be processed asynchronously check box – Checking this box will allow for the simultaneous processing of profiles.

  • Initial processes field – Defines the minimum number of processes available for processing profile requests.

  • Maximum processes field – Defines the maximum number of processes available for processing profile requests.

Usage Data

The Usage Data option, when selected, will collect iStrobe usage data in the Usage Data Report. This feature is selected by default.

  • Enable usage data collection checkbox – Checking this box will allow usage data to be collected in the Usage Data report. When deselected, data will stop being collected in the report.

  • Delete data older than field – Select the number of weeks of data to collect before deleting data.

BMC Mainview Explorer

The BMC Mainview Explorer option allows BMC Mainview users the ability to configure access to the BMC Mainview server from within iStrobe. Once configured, BMC Mainview Explorer functionality is available from the myStrobe screen. For more information, refer to Integration with BMC.

  • Host and Port fields – Enter the Host and Port values for the BMC Mainview server.

Profile Email Settings

The Profile Email Settings option allows you to customize the email notifications received when either a measurement completes and a profile is created or when sending profile links by email. These settings are populated by default but can be customized.

  • Subject field – Adding or modifying text in the Subject field will define the subject in the email that is sent.

  • Body field – Modifying the text in the Body field will define the body content in the email. Modify the text either before or after each tag. If you eliminate a tag, you will not get a link for that tag in the email that is sent. The tags include:

  • %PROFILE NAME% – Provides the name of the profile.

  • %ADVISOR% – Provides a link to the Strobe Advisor report.

  • %MSD% – Provides a link to the iStrobe MSD report.

  • %GRPPRF% – Provides a link(s) used to navigate to specific group profiles.

  • Clicking Reset allows you to return to the default text and tags.

 The email notification option has been moved from iStrobe and is now part of Compuware Enterprise Services. You must set up the notification option within the Administration section of Compuware Enterprise Services.