Welcome to Topaz® for Total Test

Automated Testing with Topaz for Total Test

With Topaz for Total Test, developers can create and combine unit, functional, and integration tests of a program or a group of programs.

  • Unit test is used to isolate the program by virtualizing external calls and data access and making assertions on internal states of the program.

  • Functional test is used for testing the program running live on the real system.

  • Integration test is used to test the interaction between two or more programs.

By combining unit, functional, and integration tests, developers are assured of having a regression test suite that covers all possible failure scenarios. Automated testing significantly accelerates the testing process and enables IT to put regular code updates into production at a pace necessary for fast, frequent, and error-free releases.

Functional Test

The Functional Test feature of Topaz for Total Test—formerly known as XaTester by Compuware—is a functional test and integration test tool for testing COBOL, PL/I, and Assembler programs on IBM z/OS. As well, it can be used as a developer tool for easily calling programs during development.


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