Event Actions

After you have specified conditions and thresholds to filter your rule data, you can select one or more actions to manage the storage and notification of fault activity. An action is the behavior you want to occur (for example, process event or delete event) if the condition is true.

Specify Basic Rule Actions

  1. See Create a New Rule and Event Rule for additional information about rules.

  2. From the Fault Viewer, select  Administration.  The Administration panel appears.

  3. Select  Rules. The Edit Rules panel appears.

  4. Select an existing rule from the Rules column.  The Rule Editor dialog box appears.

  5. In the Actions section of  the Edit Rules dialog box, select an action from the pull-down menu under the Action column.

  6. If the action requires a parameter, enter or select a parameter and enter a value for the action. If available for the action type you selected, you can use the Edit Value button to open the Edit Value dialog box , where you can use existing event fields to build the value.

  7. More actions can be added by clicking the  New Action button and repeating the above steps. Keep adding actions until you have added all of the necessary actions for this rule.

  8. Click Apply.

Action Descriptions

The following list describes the Actions available for Fault Analytics rules. The actions available for a rule are different based on the event handler you select.

  • Process Event — The event handler immediately processes the event and terminates any further rule processing.

  • Delete Event — Deletes the event for the event handler  with no further processing. If a Send E-mail or Send SNMP action is used, the Delete Event behaves as a Process Event by delivering the message until the delete event action is taken.

  • Send E-mail — Sends an e-mail  to the specified distribution list and uses the specified text template. Available only with the e-mail rules configuration option.

  • Assign Value to Field — When you select this action, a drop-down list of fields becomes available for selection. You may assign a value to the selected field.

  • Create Temporary Field — Creates a new temporary field with the specified name and assigns a value.

See Also

Rules Overview

Event Rule

Event Conditions

Event Thresholds

Create a New Rule