Add a user help topic

Add User Help allows you to create and add a new user help topic to your online help facility.

To create and add a new user help topic

  1. From the User Help section of iStrobe, click Add. The Create User Help window appears.

  2. Complete the fields:

    • Author: Default value is the iStrobe User Name you set in the iStrobe Preferences dialog box, but you can enter another.

    • Status: Select In progress (the default status) for help topics that are under development. When you are ready to share them, select Publish.

    • Type: Select the type of help topic: Module, CICS Resource, General.  The topic is stored accordingly.

      • Module, or CICS Resource: Associates your help with the existing Compuware help for a module, CICS resource, or adds help for any other module or CICS resource that might appear in an iStrobe report.

      • General help: Help that is not associated with Compuware help for a module, CICS resource, or report. Enter a topic title for the help. After creating it, you can access this help only by selecting Help>User-provided help.

    • Module Name: The name you associate with your help topic must be three to eight characters long and is case-sensitive. Valid characters are letters, numbers, the underscore, and a leading period for Strobe pseudo-entities. A trailing asterisk can be used to link your help topic to a number of modules with names beginning with the same string. For example, the topic COB* is linked to modules named COBC000A, COBC000B, but not cobf0001.

    • Type the help text in the text box. Use the tools to format the text.

  1. Click Save.

Related Topics

User Provided Help  for help with creating and managing user provided help.

Edit an Existing User Help for help editing the content of an existing user help topic.

Delete a User Help Topic for help deleting an existing help topic from your user provided help.

Import or Export User Help for help importing or exporting existing user help for either an iStrobe upgrade or to another iStrobe installation.

Upload User Help for uploading a topic created outside of iStrobe.