Database Settings

The Database Settings option allows you to change the currently installed database used to store information related to the Compuware Enterprise Services server. By default, Compuware Enterprise Services installs and uses an Apache Derby database until you either switch or migrate to a different database.

Due to performance issues, Derby is not a recommended DBMS when collecting SMF data.


The Database Settings option within Compuware Enterprise Services allows you to do one of the following:

  • Define the currently installed database used to store information related to the Compuware Enterprise Services server.

  • Have Compuware generate the data needed to run CES.

  • Specify an email address to receive notifications when the database goes down or comes back up.

Change the Installed Database

If you are switching to a different database, follow the steps below.

  1. Access Database Settings by selecting Administration from the Compuware Enterprise Services menu, and then clicking Database.

  2. Select a Database from the database field:

    • Product Database -- This is the full operating database.

    • SMF Archive Database -- This allows you to set up a database for archiving iStrobe SMF data from the iStrobe database. This database must be set up before you are able to archive iStrobe SMF data. The iStrobe SMF Database is only for those enterprise-level databases supported by iStrobe.

  3. Set the DBMS Type to any one of the following:

    • Apache Derby -- This is set by default during installation of CES. This is not an option when setting up an SMF Archive Database.

    • Microsoft SQL Server

    • IBM Db2 LUW

    • IBM Db2 z/OS

    • Oracle

    If you are using an IBM Db2 for LUW database, you must ensure that the number of local database connections which can be concurrently active exceeds the number of databases active. Review the NUMDB parameter in the DBM configuration using the configuration assistant utility.

  4. Continue by entering information for the following fields as determined by the selected DBMS Type above:

    • Database Server -- This is the DNS name or the IP address of the server.

    • Port -- This is the port on which this database is listening.

    • Instance Name -- This is the named instance of SQL Server. If your Microsoft SQL Server database uses a port, then you don’t need this.

    • Database Location -- This is the location name of your Db2 host.

    • Database Name -- This is the name of the database you wish to use. This must be created in advance. CES will not create the database programmatically.

    • Schema -- This is the schema you would like to associate the data objects with.  This will get created if it does not already exist.

    • JDBC driver path -- The IBM Data Server Db2 Driver for JDBC and SQLJ must be installed for that Db2 subsystem.   Be sure that the driver files can be read by the CES installation program running on your system.

    • Security mode -- The security mode feature is available for either IBM Db2 z/OS or Microsoft SQL Server. It specifies the log on mode to use when accessing the CES database. Depending on which DBMS type you've selected, choose from the following modes:

      • Standard -- Log on to Db2 using a user ID and password in plain text.

      • ID Only -- Log on to Db2 using a user ID that does not require a password.

      • AES Encrypted Password -- Log on to Db2 using an unencrypted user ID, and an AES encrypted password.

      • AES Encrypted ID and Password -- Log on to Db2 using AES encryption for both the user ID and password.

      • PassTicket -- This security mode can only be applied with an IBM Db2 z/OS DBMS. Log on to Db2 using a PassTicket generated by a PassTicket generator. The User ID cannot have the PROTECTED attribute enabled. Compuware uses IRRRACF.jar to generate the PassTickets.

        A Passticket is generated based on an application ID (APPLID) and a User ID.

        The APPLID is set using the required environment variable ces.passticket.db2.applid. The User ID can be set using the optional environment variable ces.passticket.db2.userid. The default is the user ID under which the CES job is running.

        If the user provides a custom PassTicket generator, then they must also specify the provider ID using the environment variable ces.passticket.db2.provider. The default provider name for the passticket generator provided by Compuware (for USS only) is CES-USS-DB2.

        In order for SMF data collection or parallel (asynchronous) profile processing to work with PassTickets, CES must also have the class name and bundle name for the PassTicket generator. These values must be provided in the new PassTicket fields PassTIcket Class and PassTicket Bundle Name on the database configuration screen. These fields are only visible when the security mode is set to PassTicket.

        When using the Passticket generator provided by Compuware (for USS only), the Passticket Class must be set to com.compuware.ces.passticket.provider.PassTicketProvider, and the PassTicket Bundle Name must be set to com.compuware.ces.passticket.provider .

      • None -- SSL is not requested or used. This is the default.

      • Request -- SSL is requested. If the server does not support it, then a plain connection is used.

      • Require -- SSL is requested. If the server does not support it, then an exception is thrown.

      • Authenticate -- SSL is requested. If the server does not support it, then an exception is thrown and the server's certificate must be signed by a trusted CA.

    • Use Windows Authentication-- This is only visible when the DBMS Type above is set to Microsoft SQL Server. Switching it to On allows you to use Windows Authorization when logging on to the Microsoft SQL Server Database.

    • Database User ID -- This ID is required.  If the Database administrator ID is not specified, then this ID will be used to create the tables, indexes, and views used by CES.  Otherwise, the ID is for use by the CES application.  The ID must have one of the following privileges:

      • CREATETAB authority for the database; USE privilege for its table space

      • DBADM authority for the database

      • SYSADM authority

    • Database User Password -- This is the user's password associated with the database.

     You are able to use Windows Authority for SQL server databases with CES on Windows under the following conditions:

    -   Your SQL Server is configured for Windows Authority.

    -   CES may run as either the local system (default) or a user account.
       If using LDAP, then CES must run as the user account.


    • Secondary Authorization ID -- When specified, this ID will be used in a 'SET CURRENT SQLID' statement prior to any execution of DDL. It is used when the Database user ID and/or Database administrator ID does not have the privileges to create the CES tables, indexes and views.   The ID must have the minimum Db2 authorizations, outlined under the Database User ID and Database Administrator ID options.

      To use the secondary authorization ID for updating data or inserting data into the database, check the box labeled Use secondary authorization ID for updating data. By leaving it unchecked, the secondary authorization ID is used only during the creation of the database.

    • Database Administrator ID -- This is the Administrator ID associated with this database. When specified, it will only be used to create the tables, indexes, and views used by CES. This is an optional field and only required if the Database User ID does not have the following roles:

      • CREATETAB authority for the database; USE privilege for its table space

      • DBADM authority for the database

      • SYSADM authority

    • Database Administrator Password -- This is the password associated with the Database Administrator ID.

     Changing either the database user ID or the database user password fields will change the credentials only.

     The Database Administrator ID and Database Administrator Password are not required if the user ID and user password entered have sufficient authority to set up the database. This includes creation of tables, views, indexes, stored procedures, functions and triggers.

     If you have changed either the user ID or the user password associated with the iStrobe database, you must also reflect those changes in the database user ID and password.

    • Use SSL connection to database -- Indicates whether or not to use a secure socket connection to the database.

    • SSL connection keystore -- Identifies where the key is stored.

    • Keystore password -- Identifies the password for the keystore.

    • Email Notification -- Optional field that allows a user to specify an email address to receive an email notification when the database goes down. If the database comes back up at any point, CES will resume functioning automatically and notify that address as well.

     To have the email sent to multiple recipients, specify an email address associated with a distribution list.

  5. Click Apply to apply the changes.

  6. You are prompted to either create a new database, switch databases, or migrate data from an existing Apache Derby database.

    • New database: CES supports the assignment of the storage group and buffer pools when creating a new database. These changes do not affect the upgrading of an existing database.

      When creating a new database, you are prompted for the storage group name and buffer pools.  The storage group name is required.  The buffer pool names will default to BP0, BP8K0, BP16K0 and BP32K.  CES will assign tables to all 4 buffer pool sizes, so at least one buffer pool must exist for each.

      The storage group name and buffer pool selections will be included in the DDL generated when using the Generate DDL function, so the assignments can be reviewed or modified before executing the DDL.

    • Switch databases: When using any Compuware Enterprise Services database, you can switch to a different database type. This can happen with a new database or one that was previously used. If the database is from an older version of CES, you are prompted to upgrade.

      Before upgrading a database you should consider making a backup as the upgrade process is not reversible. If the upgrade fails, address the cause of the failure and rerun the upgrade. The upgrade will continue from the point of failure. Continue this process until the upgrade completes successfully.

    •  When upgrading a Db2 database to CES 18.2 or later, and using both a user and administrator ID, grants will be executed giving the user ID the following authorities:

      • For CES database tables, the authority to select, update, delete, and insert.

      • For CES database views,the authority to select.

       If grants fail, the database will still be upgraded and the updated database configuration saved in CES. The user will then be given the ability to download the grants DDL script to manually execute the grants. The grants DDL script will grant authorities on the following views:











    • Migrate data: When using a Derby database, you can migrate the existing data into a new Compuware Enterprise Services database.

Update the Installed Database Configuration Settings

If your database configuration has changed, after a driver upgrade for example, follow the same steps detailed above in the Change the Installed Database section to make the necessary modifications.


Generate DDL (does not apply to Derby databases)

You may choose to have Compuware generate DDL that your database administrator can manually run to either create a new database for use by CES or upgrade an existing Db2 z/OS database used by a previous version of CES.

To create a new database through generated DDL
  1. Access Database Settings by selecting Administration from the Compuware Enterprise Services menu, and then clicking Database.

  2. Select the database type.

  3. If provided by your database administrator, enter the following:

    • Database name

    • Schema

    • Secondary auth ID if required (when using Db2 for z/OS)

  1. Click Generate DDL to save the generated DDL as a file named by default.

CAUTION:  If you see a default filename of, CES connected to an existing database requiring an upgrade, and CES generated upgrade scripts instead. If that is not your intention, review your configuration before proceeding.

  1. If your chosen database was Db2 z/OS, you may be prompted for storage group and bufferpool settings. Enter those settings and click OK to continue.

  2. After the database administrator has extracted and run the generated DDL to create the database, access the Database Settings within CES again to enter your database settings and click Apply.

To upgrade an existing database through generated DDL
  1. Access Database Settings by selecting Administration from the Compuware Enterprise Services menu, and then clicking Database.

  2. Confirm your existing database connection settings, being sure to enter the Database user password if applicable.

     CES must be able to connect to the database to generate upgrade DDL. If it cannot connect, CES will instead generate DDL to create a new database.

  1. Click Generate DDL to save the generated DDL in the Downloads folder as a file named

CAUTION:  If you see a default filename of , CES could not connect to the specified database or a database upgrade was not required, and CES generated creation scripts instead. If that is not your intention, review your configuration before proceeding.

  1. If your chosen database was Db2 z/OS, you may be prompted for storage group and bufferpool settings. Enter those settings and click OK to continue.

  2. After the database administrator has extracted and run the generated DDL to upgrade the database, access the Database Settings within CES again to confirm your database settings and click Apply.

Related Topics

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Enterprise Services

Host Connection Settings

Issue Tracking Settings

Licensing Settings

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