Module DFSAOS60 is the OSAM I/O Channel Program Build Routine. It converts the IMS relative block address to a DASD disk address, and then builds the channel program. Module DFSAOS70 is invoked to actually initiate the I/O.

DFSAOS60 can be invoked to read a single block, write a single block, read a chain of blocks, write a chain of blocks, scan for the logical end of file mark, write the logical end of file mark, format a logical cylinder (add data to the end of a current extent), or format a new data set extent.


DFSAOS60 will use a measurable amount of CPU for a job with a large amount of OSAM I/O. OSAM uses a little extra CPU to build efficient channel programs to try to process multiple blocks with one request.

Check the Data Set Characteristics and I/O Facility Usage reports and implement standard IMS database performance improvements to try to reduce overall database I/O.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.