Scheduled Reports

Those who frequently view reports usually select the same report, or set of reports, for a specific time period. For instance, a manager supporting a particular set of production software may want to see the programs that are failing on a daily or weekly basis. For these situations, it would be helpful to receive the report as an e-mail at a specified interval such as daily or weekly. To accomplish this, Fault Analytics can e-mail a link to the report at the requested times.

This feature is similar to the E-mail Report feature, except with the E-mail Report feature, an e-mail is generated and sent immediately one time, rather than at scheduled intervals.

Create a Scheduled Report

Note iconNote: To schedule an e-mail notification on a regular basis to a designated distribution list, the Configure E-Mail dialog box must be completed and the distribution list must be created prior to the parameters being met that initiate the Scheduled Report. See Configure E-Mail dialog box  and E-mail Distribution Lists for more information. However, if you have Administrator authority, buttons on the Scheduled Reports screen take you to the Create Distribution List and Create Template functions.

  1. Start the Fault Analytics Viewer, Select  Reports. The Edit Reports panel appears.

  2. Select the report you want to send.

  1. Click the Schedule Report icon (). The Create Scheduled Report dialog box appears. (Icon only appears with proper Role authority)

  2. In the Scheduled Report Name field, type a unique name for this scheduled report.

  3. In the Report Scheduling Parameters section, specify the Frequency, Time, and Next date when you want the e-mail generated.

  4. To choose the e-mail recipient, select an e-mail distribution list in the Distribution List drop-down list.

  5. Click OK.

After a scheduled report is created, Fault Analytics sends an e-mail containing the URL necessary to view the desired report to the specified distribution list at the scheduled date and time.

Modify a Scheduled Report

At some point, you may want to change either the schedule, template, or distribution list for a scheduled report:

  1. Start the Fault Analytics Viewer. In the Navigation pane, expand Management Reports > Scheduled Reports.

  2. Double-click the name of the report you want to modify.

  3. Modify the fields as needed and click Apply to save your changes.

Delete a Scheduled Report

  1. Start the Fault Analytics Viewer. In the Navigation pane, expand Management Reports > Scheduled Reports.

  2. Click the check box of the report you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click OK to delete the report or click Cancel to keep the report.

See Also

E-mail Report

User Roles and Access