DFSISI00, the IMS Subsystem Interface, has two different functions: it provides MVS Subsystem Interface (SSI) support and it is also the online program request handler when DFSPR000 is in batch.

As an MVS subsystem, IMS is informed by MVS of various events. Examples include MVS commands, such as CANCEL JOB xxx, which DFSISI00 will nullify if xxx is an IMS dependent region. Another example is task abnormal terminations, which will cause DFSISI00 to invoke IMS backout if the failing job is an IMS dependent region. DFSISI00 also processes subsystem requests from IMS dependent regions such as Identify, Sign On, and Create Thread, which establish the communication between the dependent region and the IMS control region.

Upon return from whichever path processed the call, DFSISI00 calls DFSECPxx for a second pass, invokes the Data Capture Exit routine if required, and then returns directly to the application program.


The resources DFSISI00 uses are only partly influenced by IMS and its application programs. The subsystem interface routines are driven by MVS events. The busier the MVS system, the more work DFSISI00 will have to do.

From an IMS point of view, DFSISI00 is driven by call volume. There is slightly more overhead for the AIB interface than the standard interface. The AIB interface should only be used where it is not possible to use the standard interface, as in a Data Capture Exit routine.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.