IDA019RE is a CSECT within load module IDA019L1. Module IDA019RM (VSAM DATA INSERT) invokes it to perform control interval splits.

Control interval (CI) splits occur in VSAM KSDS and variable length RRDS files when there is not enough free space within in a control interval to accommodate a record insertion or a change in record length.

IDA019RE divides a control interval's records between the control interval and a free space control interval. If there is not a free space control interval available, a control area split is required. In this instance IDA019RE invokes IDA019RF (VSAM CONTROL AREA SPLIT) to split the control area.


Control interval splits are sometimes a performance concern, since they cause additional I/O operations and use CPU resources. If IDA019RE shows high CPU time, look at the Data Set Characteristics report to locate the number of splits that occurred during the measurement session. Allocating additional free space for a file can sometimes reduce the number of CI splits a file incurs. The user should analyze the free space distribution and free space utilization to see if reorganizing the file will help.

Reference Sources

MVS/Extended Architecture: Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Logic, LY26- 3970.