
An execution report is generated each time a test scenario or a suite is executed. Reports are found under Reports in the menu. Reports are listed in two tabs, one for test scenarios and one for suites.   

Initially, a report will be in a Running state, meaning that the execution has started and is running in the background at the server. When the execution ends, the result will be in a Completed state if the execution was successful. It will be in a Failed state if data verification was unsuccessful. And it will be in an Error state if a technical error occurred.

Reports are saved in the database, which makes it possible to go back in time and look at old results and create statistics about the tests. The Reports page shows the history of executions, and information about a specific result can be viewed by clicking it.


The details panel for a selected execution report shows a message/error message, as well as its state and when it was started and ended. For a suite result, the panel shows the state of the suite as well as the state of each individual test scenario result.


The panel has a number of buttons: The result can be published to a publish provider, there is a shortcut to show the test scenario/suite, the test scenario or suite can be executed, and finally all details about the execution can be viewed. The detailed information is in XML format and is the same data that is available in Eclipse. In the web browser, it is shown as plain XML, and it contains information about the test scenario, input and output data and so on.
