Create, Import, and Export Profiles

Profiles are created in either Strobe or iStrobe. If a profile is created in Strobe, it can be transferred to iStrobe.

From iStrobe, profiles can also be imported, exported, and sent through email.

To Create a Profile in iStrobe

iStrobe allows you to view and analyze the Performance Profile at a workstation using a standard Web browser.

You must have an active host connection before being able to create a profile.

To create an iStrobe Performance Profile, follow these steps:

  1. From the myStrobe screen in iStrobe, click the Menu icon on the iStrobe toolbar. Or, with the mouse pointer positioned on any row or column, right-click and select Create Profile. The Profile screen appears.

  2. Specify the appropriate values for each of the fields, on each of the tabs, and click Submit.

  • Profile Name - A name that you assign to the iStrobe Performance Profile data file. Create an alpha numeric profile name that is 1 to 12 characters with valid characters of A-Z, a-z, 0-9, @, $, #. It must not include spaces. Some sites may be limited to 8 characters. When you open iStrobe and open the Performance Profile, Name will be the default name by which iStrobe refers to the Profile.

  • Profile tags - Create an alpha numeric profile tag that is 0 to 50 characters.

  • Notification e-mail address  - This field is optional. The default value is derived from the iStrobe preferences setting.

  • Overwrite existing profile - When selected, this option suppresses the automatic incrementing of profiles and will overwrite a pre-existing profile of the same name. Applies to the Name field.

SQL Analysis tab

Report Options
    • SQL Analysis Feature (SQLAF) - Explain - When selected, this option enables the following four SQL Analysis report options, as well as those options in the SQL Statements to Process below.

    • Translation

    • Observations

    • Statistics

    • Db2 loadlib override

Access Options
    • Connect as authorization ID - Alphanumeric from 1 to 8 characters.

    • Use existing plan table rows - qualifier ID - Alphanumeric from 1 to 8 characters.

SQL Statements to Process
    • Minimum CPU per statement - Decimal with a possible range of 0 to 99.9.  Default is set to 2.  Setting to 0 produces a warning message to increase (0 is 100%).

    • Top N CPU statements - Integer with a possible range of 0 to 99.  Default is set to 5. Setting to 0 produces a warning message to increase (0 is All).

    • Minimum wait time per statement - Decimal with a possible range of 0 to 99.9.  Default is set to 2.

    • Top N wait time statements - Integer with a possible range of 1 to 20.  The default is set to 5.

    • Package name - Alphanumeric from 0 to 8 characters.

Db2 Subsystem Options
    • Db2 subsystem ID - Alphanumeric from 1 to 8 characters.

Source Support

    • Source/Execution module date-time match required

    • Maintain source language support file list - Type a new DSN in the field and click + to add the DSN to the list. To delete a DSN from the list, select it and click X in the field.

    • Source language support file (up to seven) - To add a DSN to the Source language support file, select it from the maintenance file list and click the right arrow to move the file to the Source language support file.

To Import Profiles

  1. From myStrobe, right-click on a profile and click Import Profile.... The Import Profile dialog box appears.

    You can import either a single profile or a folder containing multiple profiles. Enter the path for the profile or folder, or click Browse to browse for a specific profile or folder.

    If you choose to import profiles from a folder, you will be prompted to synchronize those profiles. If you choose not to synchronize, then the import will succeed but those profiles will not appear in the list of profiles in myStrobe.

    If notes have been added to a profile, and you want to include those notes with the profile, you must also import a zip file that contains both the profile.xml and the notes.xml files.

  2. With the file or folder targeted in the browse field, click OK. The file(s) is added to the list of profiles in myStrobe.

To Export Profiles

  1. From myStrobe, right-click on a profile and click Export Profiles.... You are prompted to either open or save a zipped file containing the profile(s).

  2. Select Save File and click OK. The file is saved as a zipped file.

Related Topics

Working with myStrobe

View a Profile

Rename a Profile

Delete a Profile

Compare Profiles

Filter the List of Profiles

Manage Profile Notes

Create, Import, and Export Profiles

Email Profile Link