If you have found that a user task is waiting on a resource type of FOREVER, and resource name DFHXMTA, the transaction manager has detected a severe error during task initialization or task termination. Transaction manager has suspended the task.

The suspended task is never resumed, and holds its MXT slot until CICS is terminated. You must cancel CICS to remove this task as you will be unable to quiesce the system. You cannot purge or forcepurge the task.

This wait is always preceded by one of the following messages: DFHXM0303, DFHXM0304, DFHXM0305, DFHXM0306, DFHXM0307, DFGXM0308, DFHXM0309, DFHXM0310. Transaction manager also takes a dump and message DFHME0116 is produced and contains the symptom string.