Folder Management

iStrobe folder management allows you to manage access to a folder. You can grant users or groups of users access to specific folders with or without write access privileges. You can also remove access to folders for users or groups of users.

Add users or groups to a folder

To add users or groups to a folder, follow these steps:

  1. From the Folder Management feature, click next to a folder to expand and reveal the list of users or groups for the folder. Click Add. The Add Folder Access dialog box appears.

  2. Select the users or groups to add and click OK. The specified users or groups now appear in the User or Group column within that folder.

    To provide write access to the folder for that user or group, check the Write Access box for that user or group.

Delete users or groups from a folder


To delete users or groups from a folder, follow these steps:

  1. From the Folder Management feature, click next to a folder to expand and reveal the list of users or groups for the folder.

  2. Click next to a user or group to delete it. The user or group is removed from the folder.