Create, Rename, Delete Folders

iStrobe allows you the option to create and delete folders used for storing and organizing profiles. By default, all new profiles are placed in the folder named iStrobe unless directed otherwise at measurement creation. The iStrobe folder cannot be deleted or renamed. A profile can be moved to or from any folder.


Create a folder

To create a folder in myStrobe, follow these steps:

  1. From the myStrobe menu, select Create Folder.... You may also right-click within the myStrobe table and select Create Folder...

  2. From the Create Folder dialog box, specify the name of the folder to be created and click OK. The folder is created and viewed in the list of iStrobe Profile Folders found in Folder Management.

Rename a folder

A folder can only be renamed if it is populated with at least one profile.

To rename a folder in myStrobe, follow these steps:

  1. From the myStrobe menu, select Rename Folder.... You may also right-click within the myStrobe table and select Rename Folder...

  2. From the Rename Folder dialog box, specify the name of the folder to be renamed and click OK. The folder is renamed and viewed in the list of iStrobe Profile Folders found in Folder Management.

Delete a folder

When you delete a folder, you delete not only the folder but the profiles stored within the folder as well. If you want to keep the profiles, you must move them to another folder.

To delete a folder in myStrobe, follow these steps:

  1. From the myStrobe menu, point to Delete, and then Folder,choosing to delete the folder either with database or without database.

  • Choosing Delete Folder With Database will delete both the folder and all profiles within that folder.

  • Choosing Delete Folder Without Database will delete the folder but return all profiles within that folder to the default folder.

  1. From the Choose Folder list, select the folder to be deleted and click OK. The folder and the profiles contained within it are deleted.

Related Topics:

Working with myStrobe