List of iStrobe Profile Reports

To learn how to navigate iStrobe reports, read View a Profile Report.

The following list identifies all the Profile reports available in iStrobe and provides links to their descriptions.

Strobe Advisor reports

Strobe Advisor General reports: File, CPU, Wait

Strobe Advisor DB2: SQL

Overview reports

Measurement Session Data

Top Resource Consumers

Coupling Facility Activity

Token Longname Cross Reference

z/OS Memory Objects

Work Load Manager

Working Set Size

CPU and Wait reports

Program CPU Usage

Wait Time by Module


SRB/Enclave Activity

Resource Demand Distribution

Transaction CPU Usage

Data and I/O reports

Data Set Characteristics

I/O Facility Usage

VSAM LSR Pool Statistics

Subsystem reports

Strobe for ADABAS/NATURAL reports

ADABAS Callers' DB CPU Usage

CPU Usage by NATURAL Program

Strobe for CA Gen report

Activity by Action Diagram

Strobe for CICS reports

CICS Service Time

CICS Region Suspend

Strobe for Db2 reports

DB2 Activity by Query

SQL statement analysis reports: Catalog Statistics, EXPLAIN, Observations, Translation

DDF reports: DB2 DDF SQL Activity, DB2 DDF SQL Activity by Requester

Trigger reports: DB2 Trigger SQL Activity

Stored Procedures reports: DB2 Stored Procedure SQL Activity

DB2 SQL Activity Summary

DB2 Wait

Strobe for IMS report

Activity by DL/I Request

IMS Preload

Strobe for Java and WebSphere Application Server reports

CPU Usage by Java Method

Java Activity by Executing Method

Java Activity by Called Method, including the Java Call Stacks report

Java Environment

Strobe for WebSphere Application Server reports

WebSphere Activity by Request

WebSphere EJB Activity

WebSphere EJB Activity by Request Origin

WebSphere Environment

WebSphere Servlet and JSP Activity

WebSphere Servlet and JSP Activity by Request Origin

Strobe for WebSphere MQ reports

MQSeries Activity by Module by Call

MQSeries Activity by Queue

MQSeries Activity by Transaction by Call

MQSeries Transaction Service Time by Queue