IGZCSCH is a COBOL library routine called when a SEARCH ALL statement is used. This results in a binary search on a table.

A binary search is faster than an ordinary SEARCH statement (except with very small tables), but can only be used when the SEARCH arguments are in alphabetic or numeric order.


SEARCH ALL is generally the most efficient type of search. However, if it is likely that the same item will be consecutively searched for, or you can determine what part of a table an item will be found in, you might be able to code a more efficient search routine.

Refer to the CPU attribution reports to determine which statement called IGZCSCH.

Reference Sources

VS COBOL II, Installation and Customization for MVS, Release 3.2, SC26-4048.

VS COBOL II Performance Tuning.

Comprehensive Structured COBOL, Popkin, Gary S., 1984.