Resource type JCTAPE2 can be associated with two different resource names:

  • PREOPNnn 

  • STABLEnn 

("nn" is the journal number, which is in the range 01 through 99). 

The waits are both associated with "open ahead" tape processing, but in different circumstances.

Resource name PREOPNnn: This wait is issued when a volume switch has been requested and "open ahead" processing has not completed. It probably indicates that the volume that is to be opened ahead is not ready.

Resource name STABLEnn: This wait is issued during shutdown processing, when previous "open ahead" processing failed to complete. Like resource name PREOPNnn, it probably indicates that the volume to be opened is not ready.

Journaling cannot be shut down until this processing is complete, and it is potentially a cause of CICS stalling during termination processing.