
IDA019R4 is a CSECT within load module IDA019L1. When an I/O request is made, IDA019R4 selects the correct processing path for sequential, skip sequential and direct processing of GET, PUT and POINT operations within KSDS and ESDS data sets.

If a request is either a direct or skip-sequential GET or PUT, IDA019R4 passes control to IDA019RA (VSAM DIRECT RECORD LOCATE) to locate the position of the desired record in its control interval and read it into a buffer. For PUT operations, control is then passed to IDA019RL.

For sequential GET requests, IDA019R4 passes control to IDA019RZ (VSAM BUFFER MANAGER INTERFACE) to obtain the next control interval of the data set.

Reference Sources

MVS/Extended Architecture: Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Logic, LY26-3970.