Fault Analytics Reports

The following reports are available:

By time period

  • Mainframe - All

  • Batch

  • CICS

  • CICS Web Interface

  • DB2

  • IDMS

  • IMS

  • JCL

  • WebSphere MQ

By topic

  • Mainframe - All

  • Batch

  • CICS

  • CICS Web Interface

  • DB2

  • IDMS

  • IMS

  • JCL

  • WebSphere MQ

Summary reports

  • Mainframe - All

  • Batch

  • CICS

  • CICS Web Interface

  • DB2

  • IDMS

  • IMS

  • JCL

  • WebSphere MQ


  • Abend-AID Fault Report - A table listing all of the faults for the given time period.  The user can control the sort field of the report and drill down to see specifics for any individual fault. It lists Program Failures by Error Code, Event Type, Fault Address, Job, Program, Report Location, Report Number, or Secondary Error Code.

  • Batch Events by Database - A pie chart showing the breakdown of batch events by database accessed (none, IMS, DB2, DB2 and IMS). Users can further drill down to see a pie chart showing the requested data by another criteria (such as job, LPAR, or program).

  • CPU Utilization Detail - A table listing all faults and their associated elapsed time and CPU time. This user can control the sort field of the report and drill down to see specifics of any fault.

  • DB2 Tables Reports - Lists DB2 Tables Summary by Application, Error Code, Event Type, Job, Job Step, OS Release, Program, System, or User ID.

  • Faults by Change Date - A pie chart showing faults by the change date of the affected program (within one day, within one week, and so on). Users can further drill down to see another pie chart of the selected change date by a specified topic.

  • IMS Batch vs. IMS Online Events

  • Lost CPU Time Analysis - A pie chart listing faults by user-selected topic based on their accumulated lost CPU time. Users can drill down into another pie chart using a selected topic to see more detail.

  • Lost CPU Time Summary - A combination table/bar charts that associates a CPU cost to the CPU time lost due to faults. Users can control the topic used to categorize the faults in both the table and bar chart and can drill down to more detail for any topic.

  • Mainframe Resource Time Usage - Two pie charts/tables showing the CPU time associated with batch and CICS faults. Users can control the topics for both pie charts and can drill down for further information.

  • Mainframe Subsystem Summary - A bar chart showing the breakdown of faults by affected subsystems (such as CICS, DB2, MQ, or IMS). Users can drill down to another pie chart based on a selected topic.

  • Open Files Report - Lists Opened Files Summary by Application, Error Code, Event Type, Job, Job Step, OS Release, Program, System, or User ID.

  • Scheduled Reports List - lists currently scheduled reports

  • Unique vs. Total Faults - A bar chart comparing unique faults and total faults based on a user selected topic. Users can drill down for further information.