The only task that can wait on resource types FCACWAIT and FCCRWAIT is CSFR, the task that performs cleanup after failure of the SMSVSAM server. This is the server that CICS uses for any VSAM request is issues in RLS mode.

Cleanup after SMSVSAM failure is in two stages:

  1. Wait for VSAM to reject any file requests that were in-flight at the time of the server failure. When all these active file requests have been rejected, CSFR cleans up CICS state by issuing a CLOSE request against every file open in RLS mode. When the last CLOSE request has completed, the first stage of clean up is complete. If CSFR is waiting for this stage of cleanup to complete, it is waiting on resource type FCACWAIT.

  2. Wait for VSAM to reject any system requests issued against the SMSVSAM control ACB, and then unregister the control ACB. If CSFR is waiting for this second stage of cleanup to complete, it is waiting on resource type FCCRWAIT.

FCACWAIT and FCCRWAIT are RLS-related waits only.