
IDA019C1 is a VSAM Control Block Manipulation routine called when a program requires that the information stored in VSAM control blocks be examined, tested or modified. Three macros are used for manipulation. The SHOWCB macro allows you to examine information in a VSAM control block and move it to another area. The TESTCB macro tests the value of a single control block field. The MODCB macro allows you to modify one or more fields in a control block.


There are two ways to create control blocks for VSAM. The first is to code one ACB (Access method Control Block), one RPL (Request Parameter List), or one EXLIST (Exit List) macro for each control block you want to generate. The second is to use the GENCB macro, which generates code to allocate control blocks when the program is executed. Although with the second method you do not need to reassemble your programs when the control block format changes, it is less efficient and uses additional CPU overhead. If there is high CPU time to IDA019C1, it is likely the second method was used.

Reference Sources

Lowe, Doug, VSAM Access Method Services and application programming, Mike Murach & Associates, US, 1986.

OS/VS2 MVS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Logic, Release 3.7, 3.8, SY26- 3825.