E-mail Distribution Lists

E-mail distribution lists allow you to customize who receives an automatic e-mail when a target event occurs. After the distribution list is created and submitted, it can be selected during e-mail rules processing and Management Reports distribution.

Create an E-mail Distribution List

Note iconNote: Only Administrator authority can create distribution lists.

  1. In the Fault Viewer, select  Administration. The Administration panel appears.

  2. Select the E-mail icon. The Configure E-Mail panel appears.

  3. Select the E-Mail Distribution Lists tab. The Configure Distribution Lists screen appears.

  4. Click New. The Create Distribution List dialog box appears.

  5. Type the name of your distribution list in the Distribution List Name field.

  6. In the E-mail Address field, type an e-mail address you want to add to the distribution list.

  7. Click right arrow to add the e-mail address to the distribution list. The e-mail address moves to the E-Mail Addresses Currently in List field. To remove all names from the distribution list, click .

  8. Continue adding e-mail addresses to the list until the distribution list is complete.

  9. Click Apply to save the e-mail distribution list.

Edit a Distribution List

  1. In the Fault Viewer, select  Administration. The Administration panel appears.

  2. Select the E-mail icon. The Configure E-Mail panel appears.

  3. Select the E-Mail Distribution Lists tab. The Configure Distribution Lists screen appears.

  4. Click on the name of an existing distribution list. The distribution list appears.  

  5. Do any of the following:

  1. To add a new name to the list:

    • In the E-mail Address field, type an e-mail address that you want to add to the distribution list.

    • Click right arrow to add the e-mail address to the distribution list. The e-mail address moves to the E-Mail Addresses Currently in List box.

    • Continue adding e-mail addresses to the list until the distribution list is complete.

    • Click Apply to save the e-mail distribution list.

  2. To remove a name from the distribution list:

    • In the E-mail Addresses Currently in List field, double-click an e-mail address you want to remove from the distribution list.

    • Click Apply to save the e-mail distribution list.

  3. To remove all names from the distribution list, click .

  4. To permanently remove an e-mail address from the list of available e-mail addresses in the left pane, select the name in the left pane then click Remove Address.

Delete a Distribution List

You can delete an e-mail distribution list: by selecting individual or multiple distribution lists and clicking Delete or from the edit screen of a distribution list you have selected.  


Delete One or Multiple Distribution Lists

To delete one or multiple distribution lists:

  1. In the Fault Viewer, select  Administration. The Administration panel appears.

  2. Select the E-mail icon. The Configure E-Mail panel appears.

  3. Select the E-Mail Distribution Lists tab. The Configure Distribution Lists screen appears.

  4. Check the box(es) next to the distribution lists you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click OK to confirm deletion of the lists.