Topaz License Settings

Topaz License Settings allows you to configure license lease durations and display a list of license holders for those Topaz licenses being used at your site. This function is specific only to those sites using either Topaz or Topaz for Java Performance.

Topaz License Settings also allows you to view license usage history and export that history to a .csv file.


To view a list of licenses being used by a feature pack

Select one of three feature packs from the drop-down list:

  • Topaz for Enterprise Data is a timed license with a specific duration measured in hours. Changing the lease duration affects the duration of future leases only. Set the duration by adjusting the hours under Configuration and clicking Apply.  When leased, the unique identifier displays as the IP address for the Topaz user.

  • Topaz for Program Analysis is a timed license with a specific duration measured in hours. Changing the lease duration affects the duration of future leases only. Set the duration by adjusting the hours under Configuration and clicking Apply. When leased, the unique identifier displays as the IP address for the Topaz user.

  • Topaz for Java Performance is not a timed license, but rather it is licensed by the connected agent within the LPAR. The license can be held for an indefinite period. Selecting an LPAR allows you to view those licenses associated with the LPAR. When leased, the unique identifier displays as the agent name.

  • Topaz for Total Test is a timed license with a specific duration measured in hours. Changing the lease duration affects the duration of future leases only. Set the duration by adjusting the hours under Configuration and clicking Apply.  When leased, the unique identifier displays as the IP address for the Topaz user.  

    A license for Topaz for Total Test is checked out through CES when a user navigates to the Topaz for Total Test web client. The license is checked in again when the user logs out of CES.

To view license usage history

Click License Usage History from the Leases section to navigate to the Topaz License History page. This page displays a list of all license events and identifies when the license was obtained and when it was released. It also identifies any errors that occurred while trying to obtain or release a license.

You can also remove entries from the usage history based on age by clicking Clear History and selecting an appropriate time period.


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