DSNECP13 is part of the TSO Attachment Facility and is responsible for thread creation.


Db2 thread creation can have a significant impact on the cost of small transactions. Try to minimize thread creation overhead in online environments.

You can avoid creating threads by taking advantage of thread reuse, since many activities involved in thread creation need not be repeated when another transaction reuses the existing thread.

Several bind parameters can optimize the impact of thread reuse

  • Specify RELEASE(DEALLOCATE) rather than RELEASE(COMMIT), to increase the incidence of thread reuse, although this will reduce concurrency.

  • Specify a large CACHE size or grant execute to PUBLIC for a plan with a reusable thread. Doing so reduces the time to check user authorization. Thread creation costs may be high if the table and index spaces used by the plan were closed before the beginning of the transaction.

Reference Sources

IBM Db2 for OS/390, Messages and Codes, GC26-8979