DFSLMGR0 is the IMS Global Lock Manager. It is the interface to the IRLM for global locks in an IMS block level data sharing environment, or when the IRLM is used for IMS local locking.

DFSLMGR0 translates the lock request from the IMS invoking macro format to the request parameter list required by the IRLM. It then invokes the IRLM and processes based on the return code when the IRLM is finished.


The IRLM lock manager is less efficient than program isolation locking in terms of storage used, CPU used, lock granularity, and deadlock detection. Do not use the IRLM for IMS local locking.

The following factors will improve IRLM performance:

·   The option should be set for the IRLM to obtain the lock storage from the MVS extended private area as opposed to common storage.

·   If Db2 is in the system, IMS and Db2 can share an IRLM, or each can have its own IRLM. It is more efficient for each to have its own.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS DBSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.