Resource type TSQUEUE indicates that the waiting task has issued a request against a temporary storage queue that is already in use by another task. The latter task is said to have the lock on the queue.

The length of time that a task has the lock on a temporary storage queue depends on whether or not the queue is recoverable. If the queue is recoverable, the task has the lock until the logical unit of work is complete. If it is not recoverable, the task has the lock for the duration of the temporary storage request only.

If tasks in your system are frequently made to wait on temporary storage queues, consider the following:

  • Are tasks that are performing operations on the same temporary storage queue intended to do so, or is the ID of the queue unintentionally not unique?

  • Is it possible to create more temporary storage queues to reduce the contention between tasks?

  • If the queue in question is recoverable, is it possible to make tasks relinquish control of it more quickly? Consider reducing the size of UOWs, or making conversational tasks pseudoconversational.