Strobe Abend Codes


Measuring with Strobe does not affect the execution of the target program. Strobe causes a measured step to terminate abnormally only when the user program itself has terminated abnormally.

When a measurement task module abnormally terminates, Strobe writes abnormal termination information to the sample data set. The session management facility writes abnormal termination data to the Strobe log and to its SYSPRINT data set.

Strobe Programmed Terminations

Under certain circumstances, the measurement task can terminate with a programmed abnormal termination. User programs are not affected.

When you receive any of the abnormal termination (ABEND) codes listed below, note the ABEND code number and inform the Strobe system programmer of the problem.

ABEND Code and Reason for the measurement task ABEND:

  • 0000: Strobe issued an ABEND during measurement initialization

  • 0001: Strobe issued an ABEND request to the measurement task

  • 0100: The release level of the session management facility is earlier than the release level of the measurement task

  • 0101: The release level of the measurement task and the release level of the session management facility are incompatible

  • 0103: The user attempted to invoke the measurement facility through STRBVPH1

  • 0322: The measurement task used an excessive amount of time - there may be a loop in the program

The session management facility also issues ABEND codes. Conditions that can cause these abnormal terminations include:

  • .A program that was not part of the Strobe system attempted to use the session management facility.

  • The program being measured damages the measurement task or its working storage (both located in the target program's address space).

  • The operating system malfunctions.

The session management facility uses ABEND codes for all programmed ABENDs and shows the ABEND code with the termination message. These codes take the form 6xx. The reason code is represented as the hexadecimal equivalent of the value.

ABEND and Reason Code/Reason for the Session Management Facility ABEND:

  • 610-0: An ENV test command was issued

  • 610-1: ISPF and session requester releases are incompatible

  • 610-2: Call to session requester is invalid

  • 610-4: BLDL failed for the module

  • 610-5: Strobe could not locate the module

  • 610-6: Strobe detected an internal error while processing a parameter list

  • 610-7: Strobe detected an internal error while processing a request

  • 610-8: Strobe detected an internal error while processing an ENV REMOVE request

  • 610-9: Open failed for the SYSQUEUE data set

  • 610-F: Strobe experienced a failure issuing the SVCUPDTE service or ENQ service

  • 610-10: Strobe detected an internal error while searching an SVC table

  • 610-11: Strobe detected an internal error in parser; the reason code identifies the specific location of the error

  • 610-12: Strobe detected an internal error in parser; the reason code identifies the specific location of the error

  • 610-14: Strobe detected an internal error in parser; the reason code identifies the specific location of the error

  • 610-18: System service QEDIT failed during started task initialization

  • 611-0: Session requester terminated because the operator pressed the ATTN key

  • 611-1: Session requester terminated as part of session manager ABEND processing

  • 620-1: Versions of STRBCPH0 and STRBCLPA are incompatible

  • 620-2: Attach of user's program failed

  • 620-3: System service BLDL failed

  • 620-4: Strobe detected an internal error; the reason code gives the specific location of the error

  • 620-5: Strobe detected a serialization error during measurement task initialization

  • 620-6: Strobe attempted to attach the session requester as a subtask and this attach failed

  • 630-0: Versions of STRBCLPA and STRBCRB are incompatible

  • 650-0: An invalid entry code passed to the Strobe SVC, or the Strobe SVC was called by an unauthorized user

  • 650-1: Invalid SRE address passed to the Strobe SVC

  • 650-2: Invalid parameter passed to the Strobe SVC message function

  • 650-3: Cross-memory post failed during a SEND command while the session manager was trying to post the measurement task

  • 650-4: Cross-memory post failed during POST processing while trying to post the session manager or the session requester

  • 650-5: Cross-memory post failed during end-of-task exit processing while the session manager or the session requester was trying to post STRBCSM or STRBCSR

  • 650-6: SVC ABEND; Strobe detected an internal error in DELETE function

  • 650-7: SVC ABEND; Strobe detected an internal error in SEND function

  • 650-8: SVC ABEND; Strobe detected an internal error in SEND function

  • 650-9: SVC ABEND; Strobe detected an internal error in SEND function

  • 650-A: SVC ABEND; Strobe detected an internal error in SEND function

  • 650-B: STRBCXAC error calling exit

  • 650-C: Internal error building MSCB

  • 650-D: Strobe detected an invalid OUCB

  • 650-E: Invalid parameter passed to Strobe SVC sign-on function

  • 650-F: Invalid parameter passed to Strobe SVC sign-on function

  • 650-10: Strobe detected an internal error in SWAREQ processing

  • 660-0: SRB ABEND; cross-memory post failed

  • 670-0: IRB ABEND; cross-memory post failed

Function Codes Returned by Strobe Session Manager

When function codes appear in error messages, they provide additional information about the state of Strobe Session Manager when the error occurred. This diagnostic information can be helpful in troubleshooting errors that Strobe may encounter.

Function Code returned by Strobe Session Manager and Definition of the Function Code:

  • 10: Terminates a request

  • 12: Checks Queue space

  • 14: Obtains a request number

  • 15: Shows XCF Group members

  • 16: Calls task mode receiver

  • 17: Collects XCF Group parameters

  • 18: Strobe Request Element update facility

  • 20 : Deletes dummy Queue record

  • 21: Calls the Group Configuration Manager

  • 22: Activates the Attach Filter Request

  • 23: RESYNC Command

  • 32: ADD QUEUED (phase 1)

  • 33: ADD QUEUED (phase 2)

  • 34: CHANGE QUEUED (phase 3)

  • 35: CHANGE QUEUED (phase 2)

  • 36: DISPLAY (phase 1)

  • 37: DISPLAY (phase 2)

  • 38: ADD QUEUED (phase 3)

  • 39: Reads module tracking record (MTTR)

  • 48: ADD ACTIVE (phase 1)

  • 49: ADD ACTIVE (phase 2)

  • 50: ADD ACTIVE (phase 3)

  • 51: SEND (phase 1)

  • 52: SEND (phase 2)

  • 53: SEND (phase 3)

  • 54: CHANGE ACTIVE (phase 1)

  • 55: Initiates Queued Request Element : Build/Write/Broadcast

  • 64: Error in processing message from member

  • 65: Message in response to internal Strobe command

  • 66: Error processing internal Strobe command

  • 67: Internal Delete (phase 1)

  • 68: Internal Delete (phase 2)

  • 69: Strobe Request Element Update Facility (phase 1)

  • 70: Strobe Request Element Update Facility (phase 2)

  • 72: CHANGE ACTIVE (phase 2)

  • 73: CHANGE ACTIVE (phase 3)

  • 80: DELETE (phase 2)

  • 81: DELETE (phase 3)

  • 82: DELETE (phase 4)

  • 83: Initializes Timer Queue

  • 84: Strobe Expiration Check

  • 86: Reads Messages Service

  • 87: Task-Mode Receiver (phase 2)

  • 88: Synchronous return to Session Requester (ADD: QUEUED)

  • 89: Synchronous return to Session Requester (CHANGE: QUEUED)

  • 96: ADD GROUP


  • 98: LIST GROUP



  • 113: AutoStrobe Scheduling

  • 114: Internal ADD ACTIVE (phase 1)

  • 115: Internal ADD ACTIVE (phase 2)

  • 116: Internal ADD ACTIVE (phase 3)

  • 117: Internal SEND (phase 1)

  • 118: Internal SEND (phase 2)

  • 119: Internal SEND (phase 3)

  • 120: AutoStrobe Concurrent ADD : (phase 1)

  • 121: AutoStrobe Concurrent ADD : (phase 2)

  • 128: Session Manager internal NOP function

  • 129: AutoStrobe Scheduling

  • 130: Marks Strobe Request Element complete (phase 1)

  • 131: Marks Strobe Request Element complete (phase 2)

  • 132: AutoStrobe Concurrent ADD : (phase 3)

  • 144: Creates Auto Profile (phase 1)

  • 145: Creates Auto Profile (phase 1)