IDA019RT (Spanned Record Data Insert) module is called whenever a spanned record is inserted. A spanned record is a logical record whose length exceeds the control interval (CI) length. As a result, the record spans one or more control interval boundaries within a single control area. If there is unused space in the second control interval, that extra space is not available for other records. Because of this restriction, it is better to specify a control interval that is large enough to accommodate the largest record in the file.


When there is a high amount of IDA019RT, there are spanned records being accessed in the application. KSDS (Key-sequenced data sets) and ESDS (Entry-sequenced data sets) records can be variable in length and can span control intervals (CIs).

Each segment of a spanned record is stored in its own control interval and any extra space cannot be used by other records. Spanned records should only be used if the records are very large, or if variable record lengths vary by large amounts.

Reference Sources

Virtual Storage Access Method, 1983, Ronald K. Ferguson.

OS/VS2 Independent Component: Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Logic, SY26- 3846.

MVS/Extended Architecture Data Administration: Macro Instruction Reference, Version 2 Release 4, GC26-4141.