SQLAF On Demand

SQLAF On Demand allows you to produce SQLAF reports that were not requested at the time of measurement. You can execute (or re-execute) SQL Analysis on a selected SQL statement and display it in reports.

  • Host connections - Determine the Host connection

  • User name - Type the user name associated

  • Password - Type the password for the

  • DB2 Authorization ID - Alphanumeric from 1 to 8 characters.

  • Override Default Object Qualifier - Checking this box allows you to override the default object qualifier that is displayed. If the profile was created in iStrobe 5.1, then this checkbox will not display. Instead, the field will be the Unqualified Object Override field from 5.1.

  • Reports - This allow reports to be displayed on a dedicated tab in SQL Analysis. If a report is left unchecked, that tab will not display in SQL Analysis.