DFSKBDP0 contains the IMS Batch Dispatching Routines. In an online IMS environment, module DFSIDSP0 provides dispatching services. IMS code may request these services when IMS runs in a batch environment. DFSKBDP0 provides some of the services, and dummies out processing for other services that have no meaning in a batch environment. The most important services processed are WAIT and POST.


In an IMS batch environment, the Wait Time By Module Report might show a high percentage of wait in module DFSKBDP0. This is not a performance problem. In an IMS online environment these same waits would be asked for by the IMS programs, but DFSIDSP0 would process them as IWAITS (IMS WAITS). They would have been put on an internal wait list, but the online region would have had more work to do and an MVS WAIT would not have been issued.

In an IMS batch environment there are still IWAITS, but because there is no other work to do, an MVS WAIT will be issued.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.