CICS Performance Supplement Service Time

The CICS Performance Supplement Service Time report shows, for every transaction that was invoked during the measurement session, its type and class, invocation count, CPU time, service time statistics, and initial processing program.

Report details

Click next to a Transaction type to get details for a specific transaction.

  • Name shows the transaction identifier. if the name is not alphanumeric, the transaction identifier is shown in hexadecimal notation. The transaction type is identified by appending a letter to the transaction name.

  • Class identifies the class of the transaction if it belongs to a class that is the TCLASS parameter for the transaction assigns a class to the transaction.

  • Function provides a short description of the function of a transaction. The Strobe system provides function descriptors for CICS system transactions. Descriptions of user-defined transactions appear if your Strobe system programmer has included them in the Strobe module description program.

  • Initial Program shows the name of the first program to which CICS passed control when the transaction was invoked.

  • Transaction Count shows the number of times a transaction was invoked.

  • Message per second shows the input message rate for transactions invoked from terminals; for output-driving transactions, the output message rate; for mixed transactions, the combined rate of input messages for interactive instances of the transaction plus output messages for output-only instances of the transaction.

  • Total CPU time percent shows the percentage of all CPU time used in the CICS region that the transaction used.

  • Service time (sec) Mean identifies the average time in seconds required to service input messages received from interactive terminals.

  • Service time (sec) 85% identifies the 85th percentile of service time for the transaction, in seconds. That is, during 85% of the 100 periods, the average service time was less than or equal to the given value. If the transaction was observed to be active for less than 10% of the measurement session, this field is omitted.

  • Service time (sec) Median identifies the median service time for the transaction, in seconds. That is, during 50% of the 100 periods, the average service time was less than or equal to the given value. If the transaction was observed to be active for less than 10% of the measurement session, this field is omitted.

  • Service time (sec) 15% identifies the 15th percentile of service time for the transaction, in seconds. That is, during 15% of the 100 periods, the average service time was less than or equal to the given value. If the transaction was observed to be active for less than 10% of the measurement session, this field is omitted.