Default Report Parameters

The Default Parameters screen allows you to specify default values to be used when you open a report:

  • Time period

  • Work day start time

  • Whether to normalize event time stamps

  • Various parameters such as drill into topic and subsystem

Note iconNote: In order to save the Default Parameters for use in subsequent Abend-AID Fault Analytics sessions, you must be logged in using a valid administrator user ID.

When you specify the default parameters, it only affects the reports you open after setting this default. After you log off the Web Interface, the parameters return to the original Compuware setting, which is the "This Month" time period unless you allow cookies. If you allow cookies, then the last time set for the default parameters will be remembered between sessions.

Specify Default Parameters

  1. In Fault Viewer, select Preferences. The Default Report Parameters  panel appears.

  2. Click the Default Time Period drop-down list and make your selection:

    Your reports can include data from: This Month, Last Four Weeks, Last Full Month, This Quarter, Last Twelve Weeks, Last Full Quarter, Today, Yesterday, This Week, Last Full Week, This Year, Last Full Year, Last Two Years, Last Full Two Years, Last Five Years, Last Full Five Years, or Custom.

    Note iconNote: The List Order box allows you to rearrange the order in which the available time periods appear in the drop-down list. Use the numbered boxes or the arrows to rearrange the selections as you prefer.

  3. The Start and End fields are populated automatically based on your selection. If you select Custom from the Time Period drop-down list, you can change the Start and End dates. Click the calendar icon ( calendar icon ) to select new dates.

  4. Click the Work Day Start Time drop-down list and select a start time from midnight to 11 p.m. (0:00 to 23:00). Choosing a work day start time starts reports at the selected hour as opposed to midnight.

  5. Select or clear Adjust event timestamps to and select a time zone from the drop-down list.

    If all systems generate events within one time zone, you can leave this option unselected. If systems generate events in different time zones, you can choose to present the information in the actual event time from the originating system, or in a normalized adjusted time.

    Normalized Time:  Time will be adjusted to the user's default time zone.

    Event Time: Time will be displayed as it occurred on the system where the event occurred.

  6. Select or type the value you want to use for the various parameters in the Parameter table.

    • Time Period

    • Drill Into Topic

    • Subsystem

    • Summarize By

    • Top Number

    • Summarize By(1)

    • Summarize By(2)

    • Sort

    • Sort By

    • Topic

    • Group By

    • CPU Cost

    • Batch Topic

    • CICS Topic

    • Time Unit

    • Main Topic

    • Secondary Topic

  7. When you have set all of the default values to be used when opening a report, click Save.

    Note iconNote: When viewing a report, the parameters set here are the default. You can change the parameters for an editing session and the changes will remain until you log off. When you restart the Web Interface, the parameters will return to the defaults set here.

    See Also

    Using Management Reports

    Management Reports Configuration