ISTAPCTW is a VTAM module.


You may see a decrease in CPU use in the VTAM module ISTAPCTW by using the HPO CICS parameter. Percentages of CPU decreases to this VTAM module vary but decreases from 10% to 1% have been reported when switching to HPO. HPO shortens the instruction path length and allows some concurrent processing for the VTAM operations. Read IBM documentation carefully before you implement HPO.

A site running a pure VTAM network reports that they reduced CPU consumption to VTAM module ISTAPCTW section ISTAPCIE by changing the CICS SIT parameter ICVTSD from 100 milliseconds to 0 milliseconds. Read IBM documentation carefully before manipulating the ICVTSD parameter.

Reference Sources

IBM CICS/ESA Installation Guide, Version 4 Release 1 SC33-1163.

IBM CICS/ESA Performance Guide, Version 4 Release 1 SC33-1183.