This section outlines the CICS waits that FEPI issues. The table shows the points at which FEPI issues CICS waits:

Resource name

Resource type

Wait type





Issued in the FEPI adapter when a FEPI command is passed to the Resource Manager for processing. Ends when the Resource Manager has processed the request.




Issued in the FEPI Resource Manager when it has no work to do. Ends when work arrives (from either the FEPI adapter or a VTAM exit).

It is possible for a FEPI_RQE wait to be outstanding for a long time--such as when awaiting a flow from the back-end system that is delayed due to network traffic. It is recommended that you do not cancel tasks that are waiting at this point; to do so could lead to severe application problems.

An SZRDP wait is generated when the FEPI Resource Manager is idle. Consequently, the SZ TCB is also inactive. On lightly loaded systems, this occurs frequently.

If the Resource Manager abends, then any active CICS FEPI transactions are left waiting on the FEPI_RQE resource. Because the Resource Manager is absent, these waits never get posted, so the transactions suspend. You must issue a CEMT SET TASK FORCEPURGE command to remove these suspended transactions from the system.