CSFINPV2 is the IBM z/OS ICSF LINKLIST routine that contains C and PLX language interface routines.

It is loaded into PRIVATE storage during application startup and is digitally signed and verified to PKCS #11 standards to comply with FIPS Pub 140-2 level 1 standards.


A significant but usually not majority of CPU time spent in ICSF will be attributable to this module.

To be compliant with the FIPS Pub 140-2 level 1 standards, CSFINPV2 is checked for integrity when ICSF is started by the system.  RACF can be used to verify that the module CSFINPV2 has remained unchanged from the time it was built and installed on your z/OS system.  This is done by creating a profile in the PROGRAM class for the CSFINPV2 module and this profile is used to indicate that signature verification is required prior to module load.

Refer to the ICSF documentation for more information.

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS ICSF documentation:

  • SA22-7520 IBM z/OS ICSF System Programmer’s Guide

  • SA22-7522 IBM z/OS ICSF Application Programmer’s Guide

  • SA23-2231 IBM z/OS Cryptographic Services ICSF Writing PKCS #11 Applications

IBM z/OS documentation:

  • SA22-7610 IBM z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference, V2