E-mail Report

The E-mail Report  function lets you immediately send an e-mail, with a link to the currently displayed report, to an e-mail distribution list or specific e-mail address. With this feature, an e-mail is generated and sent immediately, and only once, rather than at scheduled intervals as in the Scheduled Reports feature.

Note iconNote: To send an e-mail notification, the Configure E-Mail dialog box must first be completed.

Send E-mail with Report Attachment

  1. In the Fault Viewer, select  Reports. The Management Reports panel appears.

  2. Click the report in the Report Names column  for which you want to send an e-mail report notice.  The select report screen displays.

  1. Click the E-Mail Report icon from the report screen. The E-mail Report dialog box appears allowing you to specify the Distribution List to use to send the e-mail containing the report link.

Note iconNote: The E-Mail Report icon will not be displayed until valid e-mail credentials have been configured in the Configure E-Mail dialog box .You must be logged on as the Administrator to create a new Distribution List. See E-mail Distribution Lists for more information.

  1. In the Use field, select one of the following:

  • Distribution List — lets you select an e-mail distribution list.

  • E-mail Address— lets you type one or multiple e-mail addresses instead of a distribution list.

  • Both— lets you choose both a distribution list and an e-mail address.

  1. Select a Distribution List from the drop-down list, type an E-mail Address, or both, depending on which Use field you selected, to specify the recipient of the e-mail. Separate multiple e-mail addresses with a comma or semi-colon.

  1. Click Send or Send and Close. Fault Analytics immediately sends an e-mail to the specified distribution list or e-mail address containing the report link.

See Also

Scheduled Reports

Notes Editor