DFSISMN0 is one of several storage managers within IMS. It manages storage for a specific set of pools in an IMS online environment. The pools and their IDs are as follows:

·   CESS - Common External Subsystem Pool

·   CIOP - Communications I/O Pool

·   CWAP - Communications Work Pool

·   DBWP - Database Work Pool

·   DMB - DMB Pool

·   DPSB - DLISAS Region PSB Pool

·   EPCB - Extended PCB Pool

·   HIOP - Communications I/O Pool in High Memory

·   MFBP - MFS Buffer Pool

·   PSB - CSA PSB Pool

·   PSBW - PSB Work Pool

·   QBFL - Queue Manager Local Queue Buffer

·   QBUF - Queue Management Pool

·   WKAP - Main Pool

Module DFSIINS0 creates these pools during IMS initialization. During IMS processing, DFSISMN0 is invoked to get and free buffers within these pools.

Within each pool, allocated storage is chained via controlled blocks called ZIBs (Zone Initialization Block). Free space is chained using FAQEs (Free/Allocated Queue Element).

The Main or WKAP pool is special. During processing, temporary pools can be created and destroyed. The storage for these temporary pools is allocated from within the Main Pool.


Module DFSISMN0 should rarely show significant CPU use (greater than 1%). The IMS systems programmer should analyze the performance of these pools and the CPU necessary to maintain them and implement the indicated performance improvements.

Reference Sources

More information is available in the IMS SVSOURCE Library Data Set. See your IMS systems programmer.