SQL Analysis Observations

This topic lists all the SQL analysis observations.

Observation: Ascending Key Column Cardinalities

Observation: Bind Package Timestamp

Observation: Cascading DELETE

Observation: Column and Literal Length Mismatch

Observation: Column Function Contains Expression

Observation: Column Without Index On a Predicate

Observation: Correlated Subquery uses EXISTS or NOT EXISTS

Observation: COUNT(*) for Large Result Set

Observation: CURRENTDATA(YES) (for a package)

Observation: CURRENTDATA(YES) (for a plan)

Observation: Data Page Relocation

Observation: DELETE Statement

Observation: DELETE Statement with No WHERE Clause

Observation: DISTINCT Precedes Atomic Value

Observation: Fixed Length Column follows VARCHAR

Observation: Hybrid Join and Low Cluster Ratio

Observation: Hybrid Join Invokes Sort for Inner Join

Observation: Index Access for Large Result Set

Observation: Index and Data Page Offset

Observation: Indexes Defined for Small Table

Observation: Inefficient Page Size for Table

Observation: Join without Criteria

Observation: Key Columns Updated

Observation: LIKE Operator in Predicate and Column has Fieldproc defined


Observation: Low Index Cluster Ratio

Observation: Many Column Functions

Observation: Many Index Leaf Pages

Observation: Many Index Levels

Observation: Many Indexes for a Table

Observation: Many Table Joins

Observation: Many Table Rows in Tablespace

Observation: Many Tables in Tablespace

Observation: Materialized View

Observation: Merge Scan Join for Large Tables

Observation: Multiple Columns from the Same Table

Observation: Multiple Uniqueness Clauses

Observation: Nested Loop Join

Observation: No Index on Foreign Key

Observation: No Observations

Observation: No Statistics Generated

Observation: Non-indexable LIKE Predicate

Observation: Possible Non-indexable BETWEEN

Observation: Quantified Predicate with Subselect

Observation: Row Size Greater than Half Page Size

Observation: Scalar Function in WHERE Clause

Observation: Selecting All Columns

Observation: Sort Invoked for DISTINCT

Observation: Sort Invoked for Large Table

Observation: Sort Invoked for UNION

Observation: Subquery Uses IN

Observation: TYPE 1 Index

Observation: UNION References Same Table

Observation: Use of Greater Than or Equal To or Less Than or Equal to Predicate

Observation: Use of NOT Predicate