SVC 056

SVC 056 is a Type 2 SVC issued by ENQUEUE, which gets LOCAL and CMSEQDQ locks and calls the load module ISGGNQDQ.

ENQUEUE assigns control of one or more serially reusable resources to a task. If any of the resources is not available, the task might be placed in a wait condition until all of the requested resources are available. Once control of a resource has been assigned to a task, control remains with that task until one of the programs running under that task issues a DEQUEUE macro to release the resource, or the task terminates.

Each group of programs competes for resources available at execution time. A resource is anything that a program needs as it executes, such as processor time, a data set, another program, a table, or a hardware device, etc. The competitor for resources is actually the task that represents the program.


Design your application program to ensure that a second request for a resource is not issued as an unconditional request until control of the resource is released from the first use.

Reference Sources

IBM z/OS MVS Diagnosis Reference

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Assembler Services Reference Vol. 1

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Guide

IBM z/OS MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Reference Vol. 1