IGG019AI is a QSAM SIMPLE PUT LOCATE F/U macro instruction. It causes the system to write a record in a sequential data set.


If this QSAM module is using excessive CPU, you are probably performing many QSAM file writes.

Check your QSAM file blocking and buffering numbers. Half-track blocking is recommended for DASD. Maximum blocking is recommended for tapes or cartridges. Increasing block size should improve performance.

In QSAM, the value of BUFNO determines how many channel programs or I/O requests will be chained before I/O is initiated. The default value of BUFNO is 5. When five buffers are full, QSAM writes all five buffers in a singe call. Increasing buffers can increase performance. The maximum value for the BUFNO parameter is 255. Use the BUFNO=xxx parameter in the DCB of the dataset to increase the number of buffers.

Reference Sources

MVS/Extended Architecture Data Administration: Macro Reference, Version 2 Release 4, GC26-4141.