Waits on resource type UDSA occur when tasks make unconditional storage requests (SUSPEND=YES) that cannot be satisfied. The resource type UDSA is for storage requests below the 16MB line.

If conditional requests are made (SUSPEND=NO), tasks are not suspended on these resources. Instead, an exception response is returned if the request cannot be satisfied.

CICS automatically takes steps to relieve storage when it is under stress, such as by releasing storage occupied by programs whose current use count is 0.

In addition, your task may be automatically purged if it has waited for storage longer than the deadlock time-out parameter specified in the installed transaction definition. Certain conditions prevent purging of a task such as, for example, a deadlock time-out value of 0, or a specification of SPURGE(NO). The two most likely explanations for extended waits on storage requests are:

  1. The task has issued an unconditional GETMAIN request for an unreasonably large amount of storage.

  2. The task has issued an unconditional GETMAIN request for a reasonable amount of storage, but the system has too little available. It could be approaching SOS, or the storage could have become too fragmented for the request to be satisfied.

The first step is to get a CICS system dump, and format it using the formatting keyword SM.

For more information, see Additional CICS Storage Issues.